Whether capturing the ski slopes, a black diamond ridge on your bike, or the perfect campsite, relive the action and favorite moments with the Insta360 X3.
Hiking in the summer can be just as dangerous as hiking in mid-winter. Staying safe on the trail requires planning, preparation, and plenty of hydration.
Unsure of how to cook outdoors? Check out our easy-to-use cooking gear list for both campers and backpackers, which will bring out your inner gourmet chef!
Most outdoor gear nowadays is designed to last for years, even decades, of use. Here are five of the best places to stock up on dirt-cheap camping gear.
If you already frequent one of these 9 hiking trails added to the National Trails System, you will see more trail markers, signs, and maintenance staff.
Waterproofing your jacket can transform a comfortable wardrobe staple into the ultimate waterproof rain jacket, and it’s really not as hard as you might think.
In the U.S., search and rescue (SAR) operations are available throughout much of the country. But, it’s not always a free public service in every state.
As part of the description on a waterproof jacket, you'll see that it says 2, 2.5, or 3 layer GORE-TEX, but what does this really mean? We'll take a look.
Having a survival food kit stashed away in your apartment or your car might come in handy sooner than you think. Here are the best survival food kits this year.
Here are the best places to explore in and around the San Francisco (SF) Bay Area, because SF is more than just a home to a plethora of tech companies.
Winter isn't the easiest time of year to get outside and stay fit, but these four ideas can help you to change it up this year and keep up your fitness journey.